Detaylar, Kurgu ve C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır

Detaylar, Kurgu ve C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır

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The above is an IList itself as this is what seems to be the standard to use with nhibernate. Otherwise I might have returned IEnumberable back but not sure. Still, I hayat't figure out what the user would 100% need(that's where returning a concrete saf an advantage over).

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lomaxxlomaxx 115k5858 gold badges146146 silver badges180180 bronze badges 1 Why would you return an IList in the first place? From a WCF service?

The following example demonstrates the implementation of the IList interface to create a simple, fixed-size list.

The accepted answer by @DavidMills is quite good, but I think it can be improved upon. For one, there is no need to define the ComparisonComparer class when the framework already includes a static method Comparer.Create(Comparison). This method birey be used to create an IComparison on the fly.

I would turn the question around a bit, instead of justifying why you should use the interface over the concrete implementation, try to justify why you would use the concrete implementation rather than the interface. If you kişi't justify it, use the interface.

The cost to do this is minimal, why derece save yourself C# IList Nedir the headache later? It's what the interface principle is all about.

You dirilik look at this argument from several C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız angles including the one of a purely OO approach which says to yetişek against an Interface not an implementation. With this thought, using IList follows the same C# IList Nedir principal kakım passing around and using Interfaces that you define from scratch. I also believe in the scalability and flexibility factors provided by an Interface in general. If a class implmenting IList needs to be extended or changed, the consuming code does not have to change; it knows what the IList Interface contract adheres to.

If the parameter type is IList, then the caller başmaklık much more freedom, and dirilik use classes you never heard about, which may hamiş even have existed when your code was written.

Want to improve this question? Update the question so it hayat be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.

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You might want to have an IOrderRepository that defines C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız a collection of orders in either a IList or ICollection. You could then have different kinds of implementations to provide a list of orders kakım long bey they conform to "rules" defined by your IList or ICollection.

for your return types. This gives your callers the most flexibility in passing in types to your methods and the most opportunities to cast/reuse the return values.

The C# IList Nedir other general reason for using interfaces is to expose the minimal amount of knowledge necessary to the user of an object. Consider the (contrived) case where I have a veri object that implements IList.

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